Tag Archives: fall

Succeeding – Blog No. 21

jackpotSucceeding is far more satisfying than winning is.  Long term.  Winning is a delight, there can be no doubt about that feeling – to be the best at something is a personal achievement indeed.  Whatever that best, be.  But the joy that winning brings you is short-lived.  You are only ever as good as your latest victory.  If you are in the business of winning then you will know that is the truth.  The thing about winning is that there will always be someone who can beat you.  In the end.  That is the way of Nature.  Challenges are posed, accepted.  Territories are won, lost.  Survival of the fittest is nothing to be sniffed at.

Take pride in your successes.  Do not rub them in other people’s faces.  Be modest, enjoy the freedom that succeeding brings you.  Surround yourself with people who will celebrate your successes with you, people who wish to see you succeed at those things you do that mean something to you.  It is pointless surrounding yourself with people who wish to see you fall, or fail.  That is counter-productive.

Success is empowering.  When you set yourself a goal, or give yourself a deadline, you are posing a challenge.  Throwing down a gauntlet.  When you accept the challenge and then ensure that you do achieve the goal or meet the deadline, you are giving your self esteem a needed boost.  The kind of pleasure success brings you feeds your soul.  There is a reason for having self esteem, you should pay attention to yours.  It is safer to rely on yourself to boost your esteem, when you give another that task you are playing a risky game.  Set yourself goals.  Give yourself deadlines.  Let yourself achieve them.  Feed on your successes.  They buffer you against failure.


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