Tag Archives: deaths

Longevity – Blog No. 52


What can be considered a fair life-expectancy? Or should we not have expectations when it comes to our deaths? There are those for whom life without expectations is as pointless as death is without its permanence. There are those for whom it isn’t.

Keep yourself the way you need to be kept and you will live for a long time. Deny yourself your necessary and you will die what is commonly called ‘before your time’. Living, laughing and loving are excellent for longevity. Practice them. They are free. If you cannot find anything to laugh about, anything to love, or any reason to live, you need to think again. It’s that simple.

There are a lot of people who are hoping to live forever. They must have a reason for that. There are a lot of medicines that keep dead people walking and perhaps that is called progress in some countries. It would appear that the many children walking the planet today would appreciate a planet to walk on. Their longevity is dependent on the planet we give them to appreciate.

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