Tag Archives: embodiment

Living – Blog No. 14

seize_the_day___carpe_diem_by_extremelygreen-d5wqvkfIf you cannot be bothered to spend time living your life to its fullest – your fullest – then perhaps you should surrender yourself to the powers that be and call your existence quits.  Perhaps you should relinquish control of yourself and your sources and accept that you are missing the point of life.  There is no excuse for not living, it is an essential state of being.  You will know how it is to be truly alive and kicking.  You will know because you can feel it when you are in your element.  Your senses tell you all about it.  Should you find yourself wishing to be present and counted in your everyday, then take the time to make that happen.  You need to be assertive when it comes to managing your time, your days.  You are who says what happens when, and how.  That is your power.  Do not waste it.

Living for another is not a wise idea.  You cannot realistically bring yourself to an optimum place when your existence is defined by the toings and froings of another person.  That attitude is defeatist.  You need to live first for yourself – you get one life in the embodiment in which you currently find yourself and that actuality should not be overlooked.  You should not overlook yourself at all.  Living for yourself is not selfish.  It is necessary.  When you find your truth and you subscribe to it wholeheartedly you will discover your purpose, and once you discover your purpose you will understand that your life is not given to you for you to farm it out.  Farm in-house, not out-house.  Do not try to be for another – that never works.

Living – in the cliché – is loving.  And it is.  Should you know how to properly live, you will know how to properly love.  That is a given fundamental.  If you are not sure how to live properly then perhaps train yourself in that discipline.  It is a definite discipline and you will get better at it the more you practice.  Do not fear repercussions for living to your fullest.  There will be none.  The universe will support every attempt you make to be something in yourself.  Embrace that reality and get busy living – as Buddha said:  ‘… the problem is, you think you have time…’




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