Tag Archives: foresight

Keep life in perspective – Blog No. 45


Finding reasons to treasure your life is one of the best ways to ensure that you are capable of keeping it in perspective.  When perspective spins out – which it can do from time to time – it is fair warning that your treasury is nearing empty.  No matter who you are, an emptying treasury is not a good sign.  The way to manage a deficit – when you become aware of it – is to deal with it, for starters.  That means looking first at the problem, and then solving it.  There are times when an awareness of this nature is valuable, even though it can be painful.  It is a stark reminder of what an epic task it is to fill our treasuries in the first place.

Life was created to be lived.  It can be a beautiful experience, but you have to be open to it.  Open means open.  It does not mean 80:20.  It does not mean 50:50.  It does not mean 180°.  It means a full circle, 360°.  In other words, it requires total acceptance from you, the liver of it, the giver of it.  If you cannot find it in yourself to accept the life you have chosen for yourself to live – and a very important distinction to be made here is that YOU have all chosen your lives, i.e. you are neither random happenings and nor are your projected experiences – then you are not only betraying your pure self, you are contributing to the façade behind which a truer humankind once thrived.   The understanding of that particular point is an important lesson in accountability.

Keeping life in perspective means keeping yourself in perspective, too.  That can also be tricky, given that most people have no clue who they are or what they want to be.  However, that is not the biggest problem and can be overcome with some self-discipline and a bit of forethought, hindsight and intuition that you can trust.  If you cannot trust your own intuition, find someone whose intuition you can rely upon.  You cannot go through life being entirely mistrustful, it is important at times to take people at their word, whatever the consequences.  When you believe that a person will honour their word, they will often be more inclined to do so.  Of course you can learn about being too trusting and you can learn about extortion and racketeering, but those kinds of things you need only learn once.  Once – in that context – is enough.



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IT – Blog No. 25


When you consider that a computer responds to instructions which predate its reading of them, it becomes clear that unless there is a code-break written into the programme doing the instructing, there will be no halting the run of that programme. In other words, be careful what you set in motion, there may be no way of slowing it.

Alarmingly, should the encoder neglect to use both foresight and hindsight – and fail to plan contingencies for virtually every conceivable problem that might crop up – there is little he or she can do but stand on the sidelines and watch if unforseen problems should arise and trip their systems. It is worse than infuriating for an IT sideliner when that happens, it tends to expose the glaring gaps in their actual understanding.

Technology is everything, and nothing. That is its power. Can you imagine the entire world wide web and its networks shutting down for a day? Just one day would wreak havoc on this capitalist planet. Not everywhere would feel it immediately, but the effects of such a shut-down would knock on, and on, like dominoes. There is a renewed respect that must be afforded technology when considering the grip it has on mankind.

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Optimism – Blog No. 46



It is helpful to look on the brighter side of life, particularly at those times when there is little light to see by. Positivity is a valuable asset in the dark. In fact it is priceless, at all times. Without foresight it is not a simple business, being optimistic. You need to be able to envision the best outcome, every time. That involves interpreting the big picture. Not translating it, or explaining it away.


There is always time to hope for the best to happen. It costs nothing, that kind of positivity. It does mean heartache, that is inevitable in a world where appalling things happen uninterrupted all day, everyday. An open heart is susceptible to aching. When you want the best for everything that is deserving of it – and again, deserving being a big word – it is a challenge to accept that in this life we do not all necessarily get what we want.


There is no such thing as being too optimistic. We are all highly evolved creatures, we can see beyond the daily dire and dismal to where this world really is a better place for all that have a vested interest in its wellbeing. Fortunately there are still many optimists all over the globe practicing their positive influence on people and their purpose – and for them, we should all be grateful. Without their foresight this planet would not be where it is going.


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