Tag Archives: wisdom

Stone-walling – Blog No. 26


Stone-walling is an effective preventative unless you are faced with the holy ghost – in which case walls mean nothing.  They are about as much of a defence as an alibi that never checks out.  Otherwise, stone-walling is a skill worth learning.  You can sense the shut-down in people you meet with relative ease if you can recognise the sign in their eyes.  Eyes are indeed windows to the soul, when they are flung open from within.  Open from without is one thing – from within, something totally different.  That is why there is a saying:  eyes wide shut.  It means to be a sleep-walker.

Stalling is another stone-walling technique that has been proven useful with past application.  It is annoying for most people, particularly those sitting in a getaway vehicle.  However, stalling for the purpose of greater understanding is not only sometimes necessary, it is wise.  There is always someone who knows more than you do.  Never forget that.  If you value learning, you will treasure the experiences of those who know more than you do.  It is simple.  At every turn in life you need to make full use of all the resources made available to you.  It is helpful if you can recognise a resource.

When you have been stone-walled, it is like hearing the words:  check mate.  You may as well concede defeat.  Unless you are the holy ghost, in which case defeat means nothing.

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Divine intervention – Blog No. 18


I look at divine in the context of ‘like a god’.  Not ‘as a god’.  I believe that when you divine a need – your need, for example – you are not guessing what is necessary, you are intuiting a solution.  When you are divining your outcome – your future, for example – you are guessing.  That is not necessary.  Your future is not in your hands.  Technically, your future you do not need.  You may want it, but you do not need it.  Your immediate needs are more pressing.  I would attend them.

Divine is in aspect, magical.  When you consider that the word ‘god’ is what we have chosen to assume is associated with ‘divinity’ you will perhaps understand that the word is in dire need of redefining.  As is the word ‘lawlessness’.  I have said that before today.  Scientists snigger up their sleeves at magic.  They have to – if they accepted its actuality it would probably disassociate their focus.  That is as well.  We all have our ways.  Our means to the end.  The scientists find the explanations.  That is lucky for us.

Divination is a tricky business.  You should not get into it unless you are prepared to learn from it your real truth.  Like you should not open your mouth unless you know what you are talking about.  That is a simple lesson to learn.  Like the lesson that dreams are personal.  Divination is never inference.  Ever.  It is wisdom.  It is a medium through which myriad spirits speak.  If you cannot – or will not – hear the delivery of centuries’  wisdom, that is unfortunate.

I suspect your death, then, was a blessing in disguise.

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Tears – Blog No. 6


Any religious practice or philosophy that discredits the power, the potency, indeed the necessity of tears, is one that makes me not only suspicious, but downright skeptical. When your religion teaches you that tears are a weakness, an indulgence – or even an attention-seeking activity – your need to question the integrity of that religion intensifies exponentially. If you are so highly spiritually evolved that you find no value in the physical expression of sadness then I would have to say your years of spiritual training leave me disappointed and more than a little distressed that there are so few people with a true understanding of pure compassion.

It does not matter who you are – your job on this planet is to raise mankind to the heights they are capable of achieving. NOT simply glorifying yourself and leaving the rest of mankind to ‘save themselves’. If you attain your nirvana, your zenith, you are obliged – in order to demonstrate gratitude for your attainment – to use every piece of knowledge, wisdom and awareness that you have gained in your life to assist others. If you do not – will not – do that, then you have failed at life, by and large, no matter what rung of the ladder you think you are on. The ‘elevation’ of oneself is essential in part, naturally, but the bigger picture is the ‘lifting up’ of every single person, too. And everyone means everyone. This means judgementalism serves no purpose other than indicating your own particular frailties as a human being and your selfish determination to be part of an ‘elite’ group that stands head and shoulders above the multitude of others. That is not acceptable.

We would not have evolved to 2015 with tear ducts and emotions as intense as they are for many people if they did not serve an urgent purpose. If you cannot cry – you cannot claim to feel authentically the plight of this planet and that in itself is cause for my greatest concern. We need to share the sad load. Where do you think the daily agonies and sufferings of the millions of animals – and people – go? Into some giant incinerator somewhere in the sky? They don’t. That pain is a living energy – a force in motion – and for those who think tears are a waste of time, think again. You are not wise if you relegate to ‘another’ that pain by avoidance or the conviction that tears are pointless if you truly understand ‘God’. They are not. That tends towards self-righteousness and self-righteousness is dangerous – inadvisable – for any person wishing a life of consequence.

Tears are an instant stress-release.  That is a good thing.  An essential in the restoration of balance. They are proof, too, that there are a few people on this planet who do care enough for the wonder of ALL life to cry for the demise of every sentient being. And that – in itself – is a wonderful thing.  A reason for hope.

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Fall Guy – Blog No. 4


I once knew a person who jumped off a sort-of makeshift bridge to demonstrate his expertise to a skeptical audience of one. That was just as well. It blew up soon thereafter. I admired his wisdom, his vision. Better to be a jumper with implicit faith in flight than a smithereen.

When you become the fall guy, which you inevitably will, where you land is sometimes a surprise. Sometimes. It all depends on which way is up. If you know your ups from your downs and your insides from your outsides, the prospect of landing intact is all that you need to worry about. Asides from that – I would say too much worrying about the whats and ifs is pointless. Worry cannot stop an actuality from happening. Pre-emptive care can do that.

If, perchance, we should interpret ‘fall guy’ as the guy responsible for autumn – or more specifically, for autumnal thinking – then we must suggest that it is the right time for him to get busy living. He needs to pit his reason against the season. When autumnal thinking is allowed to get out of hand, which it currently is, the system can do little but sit on its sidelines and watch itself sink into a perpetual winter. That would be fine if the system would sink alone. It won’t, though. It will try every thing it knows to take all of its advocates with it.

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Protection – Blog No. 17

av-protectionDo we all have the same psychology when it comes to seeking protection?  Is the drive of an asylum-seeker the same as the tendency a child has to hide behind its parents’ legs?  Are women entering into marriages sold in catalogues because the prospect of a new life – a better life with a man that’s buying – outweighs the thought of having to sell yourself to get there?  Perhaps the illusion of safety is what causes many women to marry men they really should not be marrying.  Men, after all, are the protectors.  They have always been the protectors.  Some men are cut out for this kind of work.  Others are not.  Choose wisely what you need in a partner – both men and women should choose carefully – and remember that you do not need to marry the first person you become involved with or become familiar with.  You cannot even begin to appreciate a person until you have learned who it is that they are.  That learning does not take three minutes.

You cannot find a mould that men ‘ought’ to fit in this day and age, their role is varied.  There are providers and protectors, there are hands-on dads and house-husbands.  There are workaholics and sugar-daddies.  There are a lot of men dealing with women who have daddy issues.  Perhaps the women with daddy issues were deprived of that ‘protected’ feeling as children.  Perhaps theirs’ were absent fathers.  Shy fathers.  Scared fathers.  Aggressive fathers.  The balance in society is out.  There are too many females seeking protection in a world whose hard currency is women.  If ever there was a catch 22, that is it.  That means women need to become stronger still, work smarter.  This world is in flux and those who do not change with it stand to lose their futures.

Women are entitled to protect themselves from every kind of abuse.  How they do that is their enterprise.  Men are as entitled as women are, to protect themselves.  It is vital to know that you cannot make vulnerable a person who stands for themselves.  Standing for yourself is like suiting up in armour.  It is an act of courage.  A wise idea.  When you get to a place where you expect ultimate protection from none other than yourself and the tools made available to you, you are stronger than any abuser, any violator’s tactics.  Do not allow yourself to be belittled, no matter who you are.  Protect yourself from others’ bitterness and protect yourself from becoming a mere number here on Earth.  There is more to life than being a number.

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Chaos – Blog No. 36

lightningEmbrace it.  It comes to us all and if you cannot accept that fact you will not recognise it when it arrives.  Despite their status, even the most serene souls experience chaos.  That theirs’ is within and remains within is no mean feat.  The turbulence beneath the surface – in our subconscious where our archetypes reside – is relevant to our development.  The archetypes fight.  You can be a Buddhist monk and your archetypes will still fight.  It is in learning how to watch them fight that you conquer their effect.  Watching them leads to an understanding of their actions.  It leads to seeing reason for their being.  For our archetypes work.  They are active in our self-expression, they are active in manipulating our behaviours so that we manoeuvre smoothly into the position where we are best-placed to face the choices that we have made for ourselves.  Our human nature shows us the way.  Importantly, human nature is not negotiable.  We are all what we are:  part wild, part not.  Part human, part not.  Part nature, part not.  Our complexity is what makes us interesting.  We are of Nature.  We are first and foremost of Nature.  Not of sacred mud, nor of Adam’s rib.  Should that really be the case then we are all borne of incest.  If Eve was of Adam’s rib, then Eve was of Adam’s DNA.  That makes brother and sister by my reckoning.  Sex between brothers and sisters is frowned upon no matter who you are or where you think you belong.

I would rather believe that I come of a miracle of evolution called procreation than from a story of incest in a book so old its message is virtually obsolete.  Perhaps the guy who wrote the bible spoke the universal language.  Perhaps.  I think there were moments when he translated the truth.  However, he rambled a lot.  The bible goes on too much about stuff that doesn’t matter anymore.  The church has failed to realise that the universal language does not ramble any longer.  Or mumble.  Dusty sermons served to dead ears are these days, obsolete.  I think the church has got dead ears – they fail to hear the very loud call for their God to turn up and take responsibility for his humans.  If God said and it was so, then God is what we think.  Because thinking makes it so.  That is fact.  Change your thinking and you change your world.  That is Buddhist wisdom.  There is a lot be said for Buddha’s wisdom.  He got to where he was through perseverance, and experience.  That makes him someone we can trust.  I would trust the say-so of the real man more than I would the imperative of an invisible God.

The church really has a lot of work to do.  It is so behind that it precludes itself from joining world debate.  Its message is outdated and its methods archaic.  Who in this day and age could possibly advocate no contraception?  Which god would want his own planet (for I believe that Earth has an overseer) over-populated and ravaged by the likes of poverty?  This world is struggling to cope, it is subverted by poverty.  Please understand this.  Poverty makes people do inhuman things.  If you have never been short of money, then consider yourself very, very lucky.  Whether through your own provision or private circumstance, consider yourself part of a privileged minority and be thankful.

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The Church – Blog No. 28

2013-03-30T022503Z_3_CBRE92S1PDG00_RTROPTP_2_POPEIt has to be said, I am not a happy-clapper.  I am called ‘Catholic’, though I have not had my first holy communion nor have I been confirmed.  I have never sat in a confessional and told on myself.  I have never eaten the bread of Christ or drunk his blood.  I am skeptical about the religion Catholicism.  I am skeptical about the efficacy of the pope.  How can a man of his stature in this day and age be that against gay marriage?  Because it says so in the bible.  The bible is old news.  It adheres only to itself and in our globalising world that is dangerous, and irresponsible.  The bible says if you dare to be gay that you will suffer eternal damnation.  That is why these leaders must spout their nonsense about hell and gaydom.  Who of these leaders has been to the other side?  I would like to ask them that question.  How many gays have they seen burning in hell for their particular practice of passion?  I suspect not one, not really.  That they are condemned is a man-made thing.  The reality is that gays burn on earth.  Still.  And it’s not right.  That those who are gay suffer the prejudice they do bothers me.  Why exactly should you care who somebody else finds appealing?  Male, female – we all search to find that someone with whom we can ultimately be ourselves.  Our best mirror.  This search is constant.  Why should you be minding the business of a woman who chooses to be with another woman because the fit suits her needs better?  All her needs.  Why should it make your blood boil to think of two men in bed?  You should not be bothering so much about thinking of those things.  Let people be.  You do not have to condone every kind of behaviour.  Your personal rules will dictate to you what is not for you.  Let that realisation be enough.  If it is not for you, it is not for you.  It might be everything for someone else.  Be curious about gayness, if you must be something.  Do not be rude.  Who are you in the life of another to tell them where their heart may or may not fall?  The heart is notorious for making its own choices.  Trust your heart’s intelligence.  It fell where it did for a perfect reason.  It falls again, when it is ready.  Let it.

My concern is that the Catholic church is as rich as it is.  Do you have any idea what their property portfolio is like?  It’s obscene.  Do you have any idea the nett worth of the church?  Again, it’s obscene.  I would suggest to them that if they are as samaritan as they like to tell us they are, then they should donate nearly every cent of their revenue to the poor.  It’s about time they gave back.  They need to scale down their opulence; auction the treasures in their troves and sell a handful of their properties – and give the money away.  The church should never run at a profit and more importantly, it should grow itself up and stop trading on fear.  A god who keeps his people in line by threatening their existence is a childish god.  His notion of leading the Jesus-believers is out-dated.  You cannot hold a people in a cage forever on an empty promise.  Whoever believes that the church (and by this I suppose I mean all the churches under the Christian umbrella) is purely a charitable institution is deluded or misinformed.  The church has probably done as much harm as it has good, I think it is important to remember this.  How many honest worlds have the missionaries destroyed with their over-zealous preaching?  A lot.  How many very sick paedophiles did we find hiding under the Catholic shroud?  Too many.  How many Catholic orphanages were run by depraved abusers who acted with impunity?  Too many.  Did we hear from the church a clear condemnation of these people?  No – we heard a watered-down apology for ‘misconduct’ time and again.  In fact I think the Catholic church is one of the best at evading taking responsibility for itself.  Perhaps it needs help.  Perhaps it has never been able to ask for help?  It thinks too much of itself, Christianity.  That is not wise.  But the church is not wise.  It is self-indulgent, inflexible, and it is flawed.  I would like it to see itself for what it is.  I would like it to realise sometime soon that in this world, people go to jail for fraud.

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